Action Hit Effects 1135901 - DaVinci Resolve Macros

Action Hit Effects 1135901
DaVinci Resolve Version 17 and higher | 3840x2160 (4K) | No Plugin | RAR 25.5 MB

Add a dramatic shaking effect to your video! Action Hit Effects is a collection of dynamically animated presets for Davinci Resolve.
Choose from 25 predefined macros or create a new one - adjust the position of the pointer to achieve target zoom effect, change the strength and direction of the camera shake, amount of flash, and RGB glitch, and at the end, randomize all parameters. These fast presets are perfect for any cinematic, music, sports, or gaming video, fast opener, a short intro, horror movie, trailer, or event promo.
You can use it also as a transition between two clips or to create awesome glitch title animation. A must-have toolkit for any youtube channel, filmmaker, gamer, videographer, TV broadcaster, and blogger.

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30.10.2023 | gringrey | 190