CGAxis Kitchen Appliances 3D Models Collection Volume 116

CGAxis Kitchen Appliances 3D Models Collection Volume 116

Kitchen Appliances 3D Models Collection Volume 116 is a set of 25 high-polygon 3d models of electric kitchen devices. In this package you will find: kettles, ovens, microwaves, coffee machines and many other.

All models in this collection are prepared for 3ds max 2010 or higher (V-Ray, Mental Ray, Corona, Scanline), Cinema 4D R15 or higher (V-Ray, Advanced Renderer), Unreal Engine, FBX and OBJ file formats.

Available file formats:

Autodesk 3DS Max 2010 (or higher) - Scanline Autodesk 3DS Max 2010 (or higher) - Corona Autodesk 3DS Max 2010 (or higher) - VRay Autodesk 3DS Max 2010 (or higher) - MentalRay Unreal Engine Cinema 4D R15 Cinema 4D R15 VRay FBX OBJ

In this package you will find: kettles, ovens, microwaves, coffee machines and many other.

All models in this collection are prepared for 3ds max 2010 or higher (V-Ray, Mental Ray, Corona, Scanline), Cinema 4D R15 or higher (V-Ray, Advanced Renderer), Unreal Engine, FBX and OBJ file formats.

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12.09.2019 | Mallina | 896