Marvelous - A Marvel Superhero & Comic Themed Intro Opener. Marvel Theme Style - After Effects Project (pond5)Marvelous - A Marvel Superhero & Comic Themed Intro Opener. Marvel Theme Style - After Effects Project (pond5) After Effects Version CS5 - CC | 1920x1080 | No plug-in | 17 Mb Смотреть DEMO Description Create a Marvel-esque Marvel Marvelous Intro & Opener with a similarity of Marvel Movies. Simple & effective way of composing your superhero or personal themed films. Easy to edit photos, background, colors, font, texts & animation. Lightweight & Quick to render. - After Effects CS5.5 & After Effects CS6 above - Audio clip is included in the project. You can change the audio in the template as well. - Images used in preview are scanned comics and are not included. Скачать с