08.09.2019 640

Matte Monitor Mockup 36336
TIF | 6000x6000 PIX | 56.3 MB

08.09.2019 1198

MotoGP Racing Kit Mockup 35191
TIF | 5500x8000 PIX | 151.7 MB

08.09.2019 738

Brochure Mockup 252112144
PSDT | 6000 x 4000 px | 140.1 MB

08.09.2019 683

3 Scenes of Plastic Cards PSD Mockups
Photoshop PSD | 3 PSD | 108 MB

07.09.2019 659

PSD T-Shirt Mockup Vacation Edition Vol. 1
PSD | 4500(w) x 3000(h) px | 834 MB

06.09.2019 763

Макет бумажной этикетки / Paper Label With Rope Mockup 19092
TIF | 5000x5000 PIX | 52.3 MB

06.09.2019 1482

Макет бутылки с водой / PET Bottle With Still Water Mockup 13213
TIF | 4500x5000 PIX | 20.3 MB

06.09.2019 2290

Макет бутылки водки / Clear Glass Vodka Bottle Mockup 42854
TIF | 4000x4200 PIX | 26.9 MB

06.09.2019 632

Макет фоторамки / Photo Frame Mockup 25132
TIF | 5000x5000 PIX | 41.2 MB

06.09.2019 656

Mockup of Sheets and Pillows on Wooden Bed Frame 271278974
PSDT | 6000 x 4000 px | 84.7 MB

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Mockups are visual representations of a product or interface before its actual creation. They are used to showcase an idea to clients or development teams, as well as to test and optimize the design. There are several ways to create mockups, including hand-drawn sketches, specialized software for design, or a combination of both methods. The key is to ensure that the mockup is as accurate and representative as possible.