Яркий скрап-набор для маленьких строителей. Каждый мальчишка любит строить и хочет иметь среди игрушек экскаватор, трактор, грузовик, бетономешалку, подъемный кран и другую строительную технику. Подходит для оформления фотографий и творческих работ.
25 фонов, jpg + 67 элементов, png | 147,2 mb | rar | автор: ahmvr
использованы стоковые изображения
A scrap kit is a collection of clipart of a certain theme and made in a certain style. For example, if this is a marine scrap kit, then you will surely find sea shells, wave spray, sand and a sailboat or boat in it. It is very convenient. After all, if you need to process a photo from a vacation at sea, then just open the marine scrap kit you like and almost all the necessary elements will already be collected in it. All elements of the scrap-set act as parts of a single constructor, combining them according to your desires and taste, you can create a real masterpiece that will become a worthy decoration for your home photo album.