Проект ProShow Producer - И снова осень...
PSP 6, 7 | Автор: M.U | mov, mp3 | 151 мб

Проект ProShow Producer - Лён, полотно
PSP 6, 7 | Автор: Rok- Salana | mov, mp3 | 121 мб

Double Exposure Ink Opener - Project for After Effects (POND5)
After Effects Version CS4 - CC 2015 | 1920x1080 | No plugins | 386mb

Abstract Opener - Slideshow - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CS5.5 - CC 2015 | 1920x1080 | 10 June 16 | No plugins | 345mb

Wedding Slideshow 17880999 - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CS5.5 - CC 2015 | 1920x1080 | 14 September 16 | No plugins | 111mb

Cinematic Slideshow - After Effects Templates
AFTER EFFECTS CS5+ | 1920X1080 (HD) | NO PLUG-INS | 467 MB

10 Light Leaks V2 - Motion Graphic
Alpha Channel: No | 1920x1080 | Video Encoding: Photo Jpeg | Looped Video: Yes | 1,65 gb

Осенние футажи для текста - Autumn footage for text
HD | Footages | 9шт. | 129 Mb
Автор: Тата Жеребцова

Футаж - Полет в облаках
AVI | HD, 1920 x 1080 | 707 Mb | 01:49

Видео футаж с обручальными кольцами
AVI | HD, 1920 x 1080 | 118 Mb | 20 сек.

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Video footages are pre-recorded video clips that can be easily integrated into various projects. They come in a wide range of categories, including nature, urban landscapes, travel, sports, and much more. From breathtaking aerial shots to intricate macro footage, video footages provide a vast library of visual materials to enhance any project.

Video footages and video templates created for After Effects, Premiere Pro and other programs have revolutionized the world of visual storytelling. With their versatile capabilities, these resources have empowered professional and amateur filmmakers alike to unleash their creativity and bring their imaginations to life on screen.